Mike Desrochers was born on April 7, 1951 in Quebec, Canada and at the age of 10 moved to Ontario. In his teens he was introduced to Karate by the late Master Masaru Shintani. His love for martial arts truly flourished when he was introduced to Wing Chun, Kung Fu in 1989 at the age of 38, by his 1st teacher Sifu Chris Hader a student of Sunny Tang (Dunn Wah). In 1993 he started his own Martial Arts Club along with his nephew Mike Fleury (Goju-Ryu Karate) the school was known for the teachings of Kung Fu & Karate

On October7, 1996 he met with Sifu Paul Stiles another Wing Chun student of Sunny Tang (Dunn Wah) & introduced Sifu Paul Stiles to the club as Head Instructor for the Kung Fu program at Neworld Martial Arts Centre. Sifu Stiles also taught the Internal Arts of Tai-Chi Chuan, Pakua Chang, Xing-Yi Quan & Chi Kung. The Internal Arts have become an intrical part of Mike’s daily training, he believes that the Internal Arts will benefit your health & fitness and in understanding their concepts it will help with any types or styles of martial art training.

Other teachers that have influenced his journey in Wing Chun is Master William Chung in November 29, 1995 and Sifu Francis Fong in January 22, 2006. He always finds it a pleasure & honor to meet with other dedicated teachers and Students of martial arts and appreciate their understanding & concepts of the Arts.

He enjoys the many different Books & DVD available on all styles of martial arts.

His belief is that anyone can fight, but martial arts is a journey, a way of life, that teaches you not to rely on just fighting to defend yourself efficiently but rather the ART of Self-defence. Find your journey and do it.